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founded by 6 vendors and 1 service provider in 2002, is promoting R&D on next-generation photonic network control protocols based on photonic technologies for managed networks.
is the leading technology validation lab in the next generation IP and optical networking. Its goal is to advance internetworking through technology validation and product verification and to promote development and rapid deployment of innovative networking technologies. |
The lab launched in May 2013, for making Okinawa be an international ICT Hub, we, Okinawa Open Laboratory, form an international research and development hub in Okinawa to promote the integration of SDN and cloud-computing, which are transformational elements for ICT platform, for the creation of an interactional base of environment in Okinawa where companies and people are gathered. |
Supported by

is a non-profit organization contributing to the progress of info-communication technology to realize all optical ultra-high-speed networks. |
Kei-han-na Open Lab Interoperability Working Group was established 2003
for research and standardization of optical inter carrier interface. We have total
9 organizations that are 2 service providers, 5 vendors, a national institute and
1 university. This consortium covers control protocol as well as physical interface
interoperability. |
Support Center for Advanced Telecommunications Technology Research, Foundation. |