Welcome RemarksiPOP2012, the eighth event of iPOP International Conference, which has been sponsored by Photonic Internet Labs (PIL) and ISOCORE since its inception, will take place in Yokohama, Japan during May 31 - June 1, 2012. The venue is Keio University, which is Japan's oldest university with over 150 years of history. We are delighted to extend a warm welcome to all participants and thank them for their support. The conference has clearly established itself as the key event for the optical transport and IP networks. The iPOP2012 Conference addresses important topics and issues related to Optical Transport Networks and IP Networking. This year, the technical program committee has put together an exciting program consisting of technical sessions with emphasis on presentations on Automatically Switched Optical Network (ASON), Wavelength Switched Optical Network (WSON), Path Computation Element (PCE) and its applications, Packet Transport over Optical. In addition to these main topics above, this year we are also including areas such as Inter Cloud Networking and Software Driven Network (SDN). Of course migration or co-existing strategies with today's IP/MPLS networks are important and need to be addressed. We will discuss such hot topics at iPOP2012. Of interest to some of the attendees this year is another conference, COIN 2012, with related topics, which will be held in the same venue just prior to iPOP2012. We hope that you would be able to attend and enjoy iPOP2012 and make this event a great success! We look forward to your participation and support.
March 2012