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IP + Optical Network  (iPOP 2011)

【Thank You for Your Donation】

We have successfully closed iPOP this year gathering more than 270 participants despite the aftermath of the earthquake in Tohoku. Let me thank you all for the support on behalf of the committee. At the conference, we mentioned that more than 200 children, expected to success in the future, has given up hope to continue their education due to the earthquake disaster, and asked for donations including DVD sales and participation fee for the reception. Fortunately, we were able to donate 148,230 yen to the Japanese nonprofit organization Ashinaga (“long-legs”).
I hope we can save those children that are forced to abandon their dream to earn a living as much as possible! Thank you very much.
iPOP2011 Organization Committee Co-Chair
Naoaki Yamanaka, Keio University


震災の影響も心配しましたが おかげさまで270名以上の参加者を集め盛大にiPOPを終了することができました。 コミッティを代表いたしましてお礼を申し上げます。iPOPの会場では、将来活躍を期待するべき子供たちが、 今回の震災の影響で進学や在学を200名以上があきらめてしまっていると、ご報告申し上げてDVDの販売、 およびレセプションへの参加金を含め、ご寄付をお願いしました。その結果おかげさまで  148,230円をあしなが育英資金として寄付しました。

これで 将来をあきらめて働かなくてはいけない子供が少しでも救われることを望みます! 本当にありがとうございました。


運営委員会共同委員長 慶應義塾大学 山中直明

General Chairs: TomonoriAoyama BijanJabbari
Tomonori Aoyama,
Keio University, Japan
Bijan Jabbari,
Organization Committee Co-Chairs: Naoaki Yamanaka, Keio University, Japan
Atsushi Hiramatsu, NTT, Japan
Soichiro Araki, NEC, Japan
Exhibition Committee Co-Chairs: Hiroaki Harai, NICT, Japan
Shoichiro Seno, Mitsubishi Electric, Japan
Technical Program Committee Co-Chairs: Tomonori Takeda, NTT, Japan
Andrew G. Malis, Verizon Communications, USA


Important Dates:
Submission deadline of one-page abstract:March 4, 2011 (closed)
Notification of acceptance:April 4, 2011(closed)
Submission deadline of final presentation slides:April 22, 2011(closed)

iPOP2010 CFP
CFP (pdf)
iPOP2010 CFE
CFE (pdf)
iPOP2010 CFParticipation
CFParticipation (pdf)
What's New?
June. 22, 2011 Thank you message (in English) in this page is Uploaded.
iPOP2011 Photos are uploaded.
Online Proceedings page is Updated.
June. 13, 2011 Thank you message (in Japanese) in this page is Uploaded.
June. 2, 2011 Program page, Online Proceedings page are Uploaded.
June. 1, 2011 Program page, Online Proceedings page and
Program at a Glance page are Uploaded.
May. 24, 2011 Program page, Online Proceedings page,
Booth Layout page and Participants page are Uploaded.
May. 17, 2011 Top page is Uploaded.
May. 13, 2011 Welcome Remarks are Uploaded.
May. 11, 2011 Sponsors page is Uploaded.
May. 10, 2011 Registration is started.
May. 10, 2011 Program at a Glance is Uploaded.
Apr. 12, 2011 Committee information is Uploaded.
Apr. 8, 2011 Call for Exhibition is Uploaded.
Apr. 8, 2011 About Kawasaki and Tokyo is Updated.
Apr. 4, 2011 iPOP2011 will be held as scheduled.
Feb. 24, 2010 Submission deadline is extended.
Feb. 15, 2011 iPOP2011 web site is open !
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