Call for Presentation
The conference is intended to share the knowledge, new findings, and experiences on the state-of-the art of IP and optical networking technologies among the industry and the academia. It features technical sessions and exhibitions. The opportunity to participate is open to all.
The Technical Program Committee (TPC) for iPOP 2017 is soliciting presentation proposals for this conference. Protocol design, experiments, theories, implementations, and operational experiences are solicited. The topics of the conference will include but not be limited to the following:
* Optical networking/switching for cloud services
* Control plane (MPLS/GMPLS, OpenFlow, etc) * SDN for packet and optical transport networks * MLN/MRN (Multi-Layer/Region Networks) * TE (Traffic Engineering), PCE (Path Computation Element) * Network abstraction/virtualization * Flex-grid, elastic optical networks * Data center and WAN orchestration * Carrier Ethernet and MPLS-TP for backhauling * Service function chaining for mobile networks * QoS/QoE (Quality of Service/Experience) * Network operation and management * Standardization/interoperability * Network requirement for IoT * Open Source Software (OSS) for SDN/NFV * NFV/SDN expectation for 5G * Control of network slices
If you wish to submit a topic for consideration, please send an extended abstract of 400 words and a maximum of 1 page, including figures and diagrams, speaker’s name, affiliation, and contact information to the TPC at
February 24, 2017March 10, 2017March 15, 2017 (Firm Deadline)
April 4, 2017April 7, 2017 (Extended)April 21, 2017May 8, 2017 (Extended)